Knightdale United Methodist
Friday, February 14, 2025

Serve at KUMC


Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men.

Ephesians 6:7
There are many ways to serve within the life of the church - all of them rich and rewarding.  For many the challenge is discerning what God is calling them to do.  Understanding our spiritual gifts can be an important first step in connecting to an area of service and mission.  We periodically offer a course to assist in identifying spiritual gifts so you may distinguish where God is leading you to apply your energy and time.  If you have not done so, we encourage you to take one of these courses when they are offered. 
Another consideration is to ask yourself, what are you passionate about?  What gets you excited and motivated?  Your answer to these questions could direct you to certain areas of service within the church. 
Some of the great places to get started in service with our church are: 
  • Greeter before worship
  • Usher during worship
  • Pocket Stockers - restock supplies in the worship room chairs
  • Newcomer/Visitor Follow-up
  • KUMC KiDZ (Children's Ministry volunteer)
  • Youth Ministry volunteer
Link here to view or print a booklet containing a detailed listing along with brief descriptions of volunteer opportunities within the church.   To indicate your interest in working in any of these areas, you can complete the checklist and place it in the offering plate during a worship service, contact the Church Office, or complete the online Volunteer form and a ministry area leader will contact you. Do you have children interested in serving, too?  We have a special checklist for children.