Knightdale United Methodist
Friday, February 14, 2025

Stewardship And Generosity


"Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity."     
II Corinthians 8:2

Stewardship, the charge to serve as one who manages another's property, finances or other affairs, is not just a means for the church to raise money.  It is an approach to life that acknowledges that all things are from God, and we are simply managing those resources while here on earth. The Bible teaches us about our personal responsibility to share what we have been given with others and warns against selfishness, hoarding, and the misues of God's resources. 

Methodist approach to Stewardship

John Wesley urged those in connection with him to "Earn all you can and save all you can, so that you can give all you can." He modeled modest living and sacrificial giving. Wesley made sure those early classes of "methodists" took weekly offerings to help others in need.

Today, we United Methodists join others to help all of God's children…whenever and wherever we can. Just as Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes when the crowd grew hungry, through the connectional system of the United Methodist Church, we find our resources are multiplied and able to do far more than we ever dreamed possible. Our open hearts and hands joined together are the heart, spirit and hands of God's outreaching love into the world.  Through the joy of generosity, life grows here!  

Practicing good stewardship

How can you learn and practice good Christian stewardship?

  • Pray about your regular giving to God's ministry and mission.
  • Model the humility and generosity God calls you to do.
  • Take a Financial Planning and Budgeting Bible Study when offered at the church.
  • Set up a schedule to eventually reach full tithing, or begin by tithing one week of every month.
  • Give your time, talents and financial aid to Missions.  
  • Remember KUMC in your will or estate plan.  
  • Join the Stewardship Team. 

Stewardship Team

The Stewardship Team meets periodically throughout the year to study new ways to enhance giving levels of time, talent, gifts and service.  If you would like more information about this team, or feel led to serve in this capacity, contact Pastor Bryan.   





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